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Prophet Yahya, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, gathered the Children Of Israel in Jerusalem until they filled the Masjid to capacity, sitting upon its balconies.  Then he addressed them saying, “Indeed Allah has commanded me with five commandments, and He instructed me to command you to implement them as well…”

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) mentioned within this great hadith those matters which every Muslim must memorize and comprehend. This narration includes those matters which will save the individual from Shayțan and obtain for them success and safety in this world and in the Afterlife.

Weight 0.128 kg
Dimensions 22.6 × 15.3 × 0.6 cm

Ibn Qayyim




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The Advice Of Prophet Yahya Ibn Zakariya Explain By Ibn Al-Qayyim


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