Commentary On The Creed Of Imam At-Tahawi By Ibn Abi Al-‘Izz Al-Dimashqi Al-Hanafi ——————— The pious predecessors have placed utmost importance on the preservation of the pure Islamic ‘aqidah (creed) on practical and theoretical grounds, free from all superstition, innovation, false interpretation, and denial. They did so by education, authorship, dialogue, and debate. Among the highly regarded books on this subject is The Creed of At-Tahawi of Imäm Abū Ja’far At-Tahawi (d. 321 A.H.). It is a very accurate and precise text, considering its small size. It includes the fundamental principles of belief and its most important issues. The commentary of the noble scholar ‘Ali Ibn Abi Al-‘Izz Al-Dimashqi Al-Hanafi (d. 792 A.H.) on this book has obtained high stature, his explanation is adequate and in an easy to understand language. That is because it encompasses the true creed of the Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jāma’ah. This book has obtained high stature in Islamic publication’s history. It has been the main reference book for the ‘aqidah, and it has received special attention from the scholars and leaders of Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah.
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