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It is obligatory for the Muslim who is on the airplane when the prayer comes in to pray it to the best of his ability. So if he is able to pray standing, bow, and prostrate, then he does so; and if he is not able then he prays sitting and he indicates his bowing and prostrations. If he can find a place within the plane wherein he is able to stand and prostrate on the ground instead of indicating (these movements) then that is obligatory upon him, due to the statement of Allaah, Glorified be He: “So fear Allaah as much as you are able.” (At-Taghaboon 64:16)

Weight 0.156 kg
Dimensions 22.7 × 15 × 0.7 cm

Shaykh Ibn Baz




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Ruling Related To The Traveler By Shaykh Abdul Azeez Ibn Baaz


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