Before you are a simple yet comprehensive guide that will help you through the rites of Umrah and Hajj in accordance with the Qur’сn and the authentic Sunnah of Allсh’s Messenger (sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam).
The author has included two additional chapters that are useful for pilgrims: Visiting the City of Madinah and Authentic Supplications from the Qur’сn and Sunnah. This booklet has been carefully compiled with illustrations and tips to suit the English reader. There is an extensive content page to help you reach what you need quickly and easily. At the end of chapters, there are lined sections for your notes and things to remember.
All-in-all an excellent compilation gathered from the rulings of the major scholars of the era such as Ibn Bсz, Al-AlbсnÑä, Ibn Uthaimin, and Sсlih Al-Fawzсn.