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The Number Of Books:1

Size 6 X 9 / Pgs.210


Stories are from the best methods used to educate, purify the soul, polish the heart, and cultivate good character. This book—Beneficial Stories From Riyad-us-Saliheen taken from works of Shaykh al-Uthaymeen—is filled with classic stories containing wisdom, fiqh, and knowledge which are essential for every Muslim household.

From the many stories explained in this book are:

*A Prophet, the Sun, and the Spoils of War    *Two Women and the Wolf

*A Prophet Beaten by His People                    *The Miracle of Sa’d ibn Abi Waqas

*The Miracle of Saeed ibn Zayd                      *The Leper, Bald Man and Blind Man

*The Boy and the Magician                            *The Rope of Zaynab

*A Woman from Paradise                               *The Mother Bird

*The Bedouin Who Urinated in the Masjid     *The Man Who Lived Far From the Masjid

*Abu Israel                                                  *The Arrogant Man

*The Crying Tree Trunk                               *The Property

*Usamah ibn Zayd and the Pagan                *The Death of the Son of Abu Talha

*The Man Who Killed One Hundred People    *The Three Who Showed Off

*The Companions of the Cave                      *The Garden of Abu Talha Al Ansari

*A Mother and Her Two Daughters              *Juraij the Worshipper

And many more!

Weight 0.15 kg
Dimensions 23 × 15 × 1.8 cm



Rasheed Barbee

No. of Pages


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